On the 2nd of October 2014 around 1:30 am in the morning I arrived in Mumbai (Chatrapati Shivaji International Airport). It was my first time in India and I didn't know so many people. I only knew one Pastor James Chacko who I had met earlier in Nairobi briefly (for about 5 mins). I didn't have his phone number though. Only an email address. In fact, I didn't have the phone number of anyone in India.
Pastor Abey Abraham was waiting for me at Bajpe Airport in South India. Pastor Chacko had connected me to him but even they had never met before. (God was the only one known to all of us and hence the link).
It was almost 3pm on 3rd October 2014 when I arrived at Bajpe Airport. With a passport photo I had earlier emailed him, Pastor Abey with his son identified me and took me as their guest.
Our small chat in his car(new at the time, one would say he bought it to pick me up at the airport) forms the solid background of this post.
English is neither his first or second language but he does a remarkable job at it. At first I had trouble grasping his sentence construction but it proved worthwhile. I want to pick one statement he used that day and develop a really interesting post out of it. This is what he said, "In order to come to India, you want to get a passport and visa. Right?"
He had me confused for a while as I tried to process his question. 'Want to?' I thought to myself. 'I didn't want to go through the process of acquiring the visa and passport. I HAD TO!' But to keep it simple I answered, "yes indeed. "
Over the coming days and months he would continue to use 'want to...' in the places I would have him use 'have to...'
I often thought I should correct his grammar but something kept telling me not to.
As it turns out, a message would be developed from his grammar that would change my life for ever. I began thinking deeply about these words and it brought up this scripture to my mind.
Matthew 5:38-42 "You have heard the law that says the punishment must match the injury: 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also. If you are sued in court and your shirt is taken from you, give your coat, too. If a soldier demands that you carry his gear for a mile, carry it two miles. Give to those who ask, and don't turn away from those who want to borrow.
These words were spoken by Jesus Christ but it would be the words of Pastor Abey that would help me understand what Jesus was saying.
What Jesus was indeed saying is this, 'If someone compels you to do what you don't want to do; start liking it and then it won't be out of compulsion but out of your will that you do it.' In other words, Jesus was saying that life would be easier to bear if we turned our 'HAVE TO s' into 'WANT TO s'.
Let me give you some examples, imagine that in your mind, the things you would otherwise not do became desirable to you. For instance, waking up in the morning is an infamous 'have to' for most people. But what happens when you have something exciting to do on a certain day? The 'HAVE TO' wake up early turns into 'WANT TO' wake up early and you actually enjoy it.
Life is grumpy and dull when you are doing the things you 'HAVE TO' but quite a thrill when you are doing what you 'WANT TO'.
Here are some HAVE TO s that you can turn to WANT TO s and enjoy life more.
Have to wake up? Want to wake up!
Have to stay up late? Want to stay up late!
Have to go to work? Want to go to work!
Have to wear that uniform? Want to wear it!
Have to live a righteous life? Want to live in righteousness!
Have to become a better husband? Want to be a better husband!
Have to be a submissive wife? Want to submit to your husband!
Have to go to Church? Want to dwell in the house of the Lord!
Have to do your homework? Want to finish that homework today!
Have to finish your project before the deadline? Want it done by tonight!
Have to communicate with her more often? Want to share all your experiences with her!
Have to sit and listen to him gloat about himself? Want to listen to his achievements!
Have you do the dishes/laundry? Want to be cleaner and tidier!
Have to fast and pray? Want to tap into the Spiritual by fasting and praying!
Have to read your Bible? Want to know God more as revealed in His word!
What are your HAVE TO s? Make them WANT TO s. The beauty with that is that you will never have to do any thing again.
Don't go the extra mile because you have to; go because you want to.