Thursday, 5 June 2014

The Missing Link!

Here is a message I would be delighted if you preach to your friends and family.
1.       What is salvation?
·         Salvation is the bridge between man and God across the rift created by sin.
·         Man is separated from God by sin and the only way to bridge that gap is through salvation. Isa 59:2, Gen 3:24

How can I be saved?
·         By believing and confessing Jesus Christ; that He is the Son of God and that He died for your sins and God has raised Him from the dead. Rom 10:9, Acts 4:12, John 14:6

2.       Who needs salvation?
·         All people; great and small; young and old. 1 Tim 2:1-5, Rev 20:12

3.       Why should I get saved?
·         All have sinned Rom 3:10;23
·         The sinner is condemned to death Rom 6:23 ; Mat 25:46
·         There is no human remedy
o   Psalm 49:6-9 You can’t buy your salvation
o   Eph 2:8-9 No work can merit salvation.
o   Isa 64:6 Good works cannot outweigh unrighteousness
o   Gal 2:16 Obedience to the law cannot justify you.

4.       How then Can I be saved?
·         The Good News!
God gave His son Jesus to take the place of those that were condemned that they may walk free. John 3:16 Rom 5:8

5.       What happens when I get saved?
a.       You are justified. Rom 3:24, 5:9
b.       You are regenerated. Eph 2:5, John 3:1-8, 2 Thes 5:17
You become a new creation. You are born again.
c.       You are sanctified.
You are made holy; set apart for God. I Cor  1:2
d.       You are cleansed.
Your guilt and sin is washed away and you are made clean. 1 Cor 6:9-11, Heb 10:17-22
e.       You are reconciled to God.
You stop being alienated from God and become a friend. Col 1:21-22, Rom 5:10
f.        You are adopted.
You become a son of God with all rights and privileges. John 1:12-13,  Gal 3:26; 4:4-6, 1 Jn 3:1
g.       You are naturalized. Col 1:13
You become a citizen of the Kingdom of God. Every kingdom has a King, laws, a culture and a mission.

6.       How should I live after I am saved?
a.       Hate all others. Luk 14:25-33
Put God before all else.
b.       Separate yourself. 2 Cor 6:17
Live a life of godliness away from sin and lawlessness. Avoid those things that defile your body and your soul and corrupt your spirit.
c.       Count the cost
Be ready to lay off everything that weighs you down. Heb 12:1-2
d.       Crucify the flesh.
Rom 8:13-14
e.       Be baptized Acts 2:38
f.        Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Acts2:38.
7.       What MUST I do to be saved?
·         Believe in the Lord Jesus. Acts 2:38, John 3:16
·         Confess your sins. 1 John 1:9-10
Acknowledge that you have sinned and you stand justly condemned.
·         Repent your sins. Act3:19; 8:22; 17:30
A complete change of heart and mind towards sin and desire for forgiveness.
·         Call on His Name. Rom 10:13
Prayer of repentance.

This is; if you ask me, the missing link in the life of man.
If you want to create your missing link; call me.